Specialist Perinatal Service

Cheshire and Mersey Specialist Perinatal Service

Mental healthcare for women and families


Our Specialist Perinatal Service works with women with mental health problems in Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens, Warrington, Cheshire and Wirral, who:  

  • Are thinking about or planning to have a baby
  • Are pregnant
  • Have a baby who is 12-months-old or

We can help with…

1.  Preconception advice

We offer one-off preconception appointments to provide advice, guidance and signposting to support women who are thinking about or planning to have a baby, who:

  • Have a history of complex mental health problems
  • Are taking medication for mental health problems
  • Are worried about the impact having a baby will have on their mental health
  • Have anxiety around pregnancy, childbirth or becoming a


2.   One-to-one assessment and support

We provide one-to-one assessment and ongoing support for women who are pregnant or have a baby who is under 12 months, and:

  • Are currently experiencing complex or severe mental health problems
  • Have a history of or are at risk of developing severe or complex mental health problems during the perinatal period, even if they are currently


3.  Phone consultation and advice for health professionals

We provide advice over the phone for any health or social care professionals working with women who are receiving support from primary or secondary mental health services and

are either pregnant, planning a pregnancy or have a baby who is under 12 months. This includes advice around prescribing mental health medications in pregnancy and risk-benefit analysis.

How to make a referral

Referrals for one-to-one support and preconception appointments can be made by contacting us directly for discussion in the first instance, or by usual the referral route through your local mental health assessment team.

You can contact us for advice or to make a referral on 01925 275 303 for Halton, Knowsley, St Helens and Warrington, 0151 702 4012 for Liverpool and Sefton and 0151 488 8434 for Cheshire and Wirral.

9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.


A joint initiative between: Cheshire and Wirral Partnership and Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trusts


Perinatal leaflet