Information from the NHS WIRRAL UNIVERSITY TEACHING HOSPITAL (NHS Foundation Trust)


•      Free prescriptions and dental care please complete Maternity exemption certificate from your GP surgery

•      Commence Pregnancy vitamins including vitamin D, iron & folic acid, throughout your pregnancy

•      Whooping cough vaccination is offered from 16 weeks. This helps to protect baby at birth. For information go to NHS Choices website

•      Flu vaccination offered seasonally (September-February) for all pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy

•      Mat B1 certificate issued after 20 weeks this is for employers/maternity pay/grants/maternity leave


•      At 16 weeks you will meet your midwife for a check up

•      20 weeks you will be seen at the hospital for anomaly scan

•      26 – 28 weeks check up with midwife and Growth Scan if needed 

•      28 weeks you  will be offered a GTT which is a sugar test that will screen you for diabetes in pregnancy

•      32 week check up with midwife and scan if required 

•      36 week check up with midwife and scan if required 

•      38 – 40 week check up with midwife, post – dates sweep offered 

•      41 weeks with midwife where you will be offered a membrane sweep and an induction of Labour will be booked 

•      If you need an interpreter with you during your antenatal appointments, this will be booked by the hospital or our telephone interpretation service ‘language line’ will be used.


•      We offer antenatal classes via the Internet

•      Virtual Tours of unit can be found  on the women’s and children’s you tube 

•      Other useful sites are    for pregnancy, labour and postnatal care and support     

• support techniques and advice for baby’s crying

•  for safe sleeping advice

 Congratulations we look forward to meeting you